Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Hello Everyone! First, I would like to say that I am sorry for not updating this in over two months. We broke something on the cord that plugs into our laptop so it has been difficult for me to get online at home. Anyway, all of the Burlings are doing very well.
Logan is getting big. He will be 4 months old on December 27. He is smiling, laughing, cooing, reaching for everything and has even rolled over once. On December 5, Logan met Santa for the first time. He loved it! (of course he already loved Santa because Papa White was the Santa we saw)
Brandon is doing well. He has been very busy with work and shows for Friends in Harmony. Their concert was wonderful and Brandon did a great job on his solo.
I have stayed busy making cookies and getting ready for the holidays. I love being at home with Logan too.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Logan is getting big. He will be 4 months old on December 27. He is smiling, laughing, cooing, reaching for everything and has even rolled over once. On December 5, Logan met Santa for the first time. He loved it! (of course he already loved Santa because Papa White was the Santa we saw)
Brandon is doing well. He has been very busy with work and shows for Friends in Harmony. Their concert was wonderful and Brandon did a great job on his solo.
I have stayed busy making cookies and getting ready for the holidays. I love being at home with Logan too.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Unconditional Love
This is my first post since the birth of Logan. From the moment they laid Logan on my chest in the hospital it was instant love. I mean how can you love someone so much and just have met them. It is the most amazing moment when you realize that that little one is a part of you and someone you love. He has been wonderful. I enjoy every minute with Logan and Brandon. We have been very lucky. He is a very good baby and doesn't cry that much. Basically the only time he cries is when he wants to eat or when he needs to be changed. Being a stay at home mom is great. He has started smiling and is so much fun. Sorry I am going to have to cut this short because Logan is now awake and he needs to eat. I will update soon.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
IT'S A BOY!!!!
Hello friends of Brandon and Kendra. (Brandon here). Well, it's been a long journey for Kendra, especially not knowing the gender of our baby, but this morning at 12:01AM she got to hold her son for the first time in 9+ long months! Logan Kenneth Burling - 9 lbs 13.6 oz - 21 1/4 inches long. I didn't think that it was possible to love someone when you first saw them, but boy was I ever wrong. Here's how it happend:
Kendra and I were watching TV on Monday night at about 10:30PM or so, and I was starting to nod off. I told her that I was going to go to sleep on the recliner and that I'd see her in the morning. We were expected to visit Angel (her midwife, who is now one of my favorite people in this world) the next morning at around 11:45AM to discuss a possible induction. Well, no need. At about 11:20PM her water had broken, and we both immediately rushed to the hospital... well, not immediatley. At first, it was like one of those Father of the Bride Part II moments where I said "Let's go," but had NO IDEA where to begin. All Kendra cared about at that moment was making it to the bathroom and not leaking on the living room floor. It was classic. We got to Pekin Hospital at around 11:45PM, and she was officially admitted at 11:58PM. They wanted her to sleep as much as she could, but all the anxiety in her was just not going to allow that to happen. I got about an hour's worth before waking up to be by her side for the next 24 hours. She was doing very well. She was increasing the size of her cervix and thinning out about every half hour to hour. They gave her pitocin to speed things up at about 1:00PM on Tuesday, and with the speeding of the delivery came contraction pain like she had not experienced. As a husband, one of the worst things that you can witness is seeing your wife in that much pain.... But I stayed strong for her sake. I didn't think that I would be able to, though. She asked for an epidural (which, by the way she is a BIG fan of) at about 4:00PM. It worked, but it wasn't as effective as what it should have been because it was not inserted as properly as it should have been. The medicine was in her, though, and she continued to have contractions and labor for about the next 3 hours. She was still in a lot of pain though, by 7:00PM. She asked for another epidural, and this time it was successful! She began pushing at around 8:30-9:00PM and this lasted until around 10:00PM. Again, now with her mom by her side as well, she was in a lot of pain, and the labor was going nowhere. They gave her some medicine to allow her to rest at 10:15PM and we were going to begin pushing again at 10:30PM. Everyone of us had in the back of our minds that this was going to be a cesarian birth because of the potential size of the baby at this point, and to be honest I believed that it was best for her. Even though we were supposed to begin at 10:30PM, she was so well rested that we agreed to give her another 15 minutes. I don't know what happened in those 30 minutes of rest, but Kendra woke up "on a mission." She stared Angel and Dr. Fisher right in the eye and said, "I'm going to deliver this baby." From day one, she wanted a vaginal delivery, and because of all the strength that she gained in that 30 minutes, she got her wish. I was so proud of her! It makes me cry right now just thinking about what she went through and how awesome the outcome was. I love her now more than I ever have.
When Angel told us that "It's a boy" we both just smiled at each other. Kendra had some work to be done still, but I got to hold my son. It was so amazing how he just knew by looking at me that I was his dad. He has Kendra's brown eyes. He's a miracle. I now know what George Strait was saying in his song I Saw God Today. Kendra has that natural mother's instinct, already. She's really tired right now, but she and Logan are doing great. We'll talk more later, but just wanted to let you know that we love you all, and appreciate all the support that you have given us.
Kendra and I were watching TV on Monday night at about 10:30PM or so, and I was starting to nod off. I told her that I was going to go to sleep on the recliner and that I'd see her in the morning. We were expected to visit Angel (her midwife, who is now one of my favorite people in this world) the next morning at around 11:45AM to discuss a possible induction. Well, no need. At about 11:20PM her water had broken, and we both immediately rushed to the hospital... well, not immediatley. At first, it was like one of those Father of the Bride Part II moments where I said "Let's go," but had NO IDEA where to begin. All Kendra cared about at that moment was making it to the bathroom and not leaking on the living room floor. It was classic. We got to Pekin Hospital at around 11:45PM, and she was officially admitted at 11:58PM. They wanted her to sleep as much as she could, but all the anxiety in her was just not going to allow that to happen. I got about an hour's worth before waking up to be by her side for the next 24 hours. She was doing very well. She was increasing the size of her cervix and thinning out about every half hour to hour. They gave her pitocin to speed things up at about 1:00PM on Tuesday, and with the speeding of the delivery came contraction pain like she had not experienced. As a husband, one of the worst things that you can witness is seeing your wife in that much pain.... But I stayed strong for her sake. I didn't think that I would be able to, though. She asked for an epidural (which, by the way she is a BIG fan of) at about 4:00PM. It worked, but it wasn't as effective as what it should have been because it was not inserted as properly as it should have been. The medicine was in her, though, and she continued to have contractions and labor for about the next 3 hours. She was still in a lot of pain though, by 7:00PM. She asked for another epidural, and this time it was successful! She began pushing at around 8:30-9:00PM and this lasted until around 10:00PM. Again, now with her mom by her side as well, she was in a lot of pain, and the labor was going nowhere. They gave her some medicine to allow her to rest at 10:15PM and we were going to begin pushing again at 10:30PM. Everyone of us had in the back of our minds that this was going to be a cesarian birth because of the potential size of the baby at this point, and to be honest I believed that it was best for her. Even though we were supposed to begin at 10:30PM, she was so well rested that we agreed to give her another 15 minutes. I don't know what happened in those 30 minutes of rest, but Kendra woke up "on a mission." She stared Angel and Dr. Fisher right in the eye and said, "I'm going to deliver this baby." From day one, she wanted a vaginal delivery, and because of all the strength that she gained in that 30 minutes, she got her wish. I was so proud of her! It makes me cry right now just thinking about what she went through and how awesome the outcome was. I love her now more than I ever have.
When Angel told us that "It's a boy" we both just smiled at each other. Kendra had some work to be done still, but I got to hold my son. It was so amazing how he just knew by looking at me that I was his dad. He has Kendra's brown eyes. He's a miracle. I now know what George Strait was saying in his song I Saw God Today. Kendra has that natural mother's instinct, already. She's really tired right now, but she and Logan are doing great. We'll talk more later, but just wanted to let you know that we love you all, and appreciate all the support that you have given us.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Guess what.........still waiting!
We are still waiting to meet Baby Burling and we are getting very anxious. Brandon thinks that we will be the only parents whose child stays in the womb. That's funny for him to say because it is not moving around inside of him. I know this has to be a big baby because it is taking up every inch of me. Every move is exciting but a little more uncomfortable everyday. I am going to call the midwife today though because my hands and feet are swelling and I don't know whether to be concerned or not. It might be because I am so big but I can hope she will say "Let's go, meet me at the hospital." So far, I feel that we have tried everything to meet this baby. I have eaten all sorts of spicy foods, we went on a bumpy ride in one of Grandpa Dave's trucks, and we have tried everything else that has been suggested. Nothing worked. I know that it has worked for some people but not for us. We have everything ready and have been looking at all the baby stuff for a while now but we haven't been able to use it. I know that this is the last week we will be pregnant but I want to have this baby sooner than later. Brandon is supposed to start teaching at Eureka on Thursday so we are both hoping that the baby will come before then. I think we have both been very patient long enough. It is time to meet our little one.
We hope everyone is well. I hope this is our last post before the baby. We will update you soon.
Thanks for all of your support and well wishes. We know everyone is looking forward to hearing about Baby Burling.
We hope everyone is well. I hope this is our last post before the baby. We will update you soon.
Thanks for all of your support and well wishes. We know everyone is looking forward to hearing about Baby Burling.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ahhhhh.... Still Waiting
I went to the Dr. yesterday and we are still waiting. If the baby isn't here by next week we will talk about inducing. I had to take a non stress test to check on the baby because I am overdue. They monitored the baby's heart rate and contractions I was having. Everything looks great with the baby which is wonderful and I am having small contractions with a couple of significant ones. Most of my contractions hit the 20 line and I had about 2 or 3 that hit the 40 line. I am still feeling no pain from the contractions which I feel blessed and a little scared about. I feel a little tightening but nothing bad. It's a little scary because I am not feeling pain, so I won't really know how to time them. I can't always go by the tightening because she said that the baby is so big that my uterus is so tight I probably won't feel that much tightening. I gained another inch in my measurement. I am measuring at 41 weeks now. I think I am more anxious about meeting the baby then I am about not being pregnant anymore. Again, Brandon and our families have been wonderful. I get phone calls everyday from people checking on me and I really appreciate the fact that they are thinking of me. I have given myself little projects to do everyday because I want to keep busy not only to keep my mind off of being late but also to keep myself moving around because that is what is good for the baby. We will keep posting information as we get it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Overdue #2
We are still waiting to meet our little one and I grow a little more uncomfortable everyday. I go back to the Dr. tomorrow afternoon to see what they say. I know they will probably induce my labor by the end of this week because they won't let me go over a week overdue. Brandon has been wonderful through this whole experience. He rubs my back and always tries to help me with whatever I need. I really appreciate everything he has done during this past nine months. Lily has started acting a little strange around me. I was hoping that she was sensing something but no luck yet. I think that I am more anxious about meeting Baby Burling then I am uncomfortable. Trust me its not roses to being carrying a big baby but it is totally worth it. I am still very excited everytime the baby moves (even though the baby has gotten stronger and it doesn't always feel that comfortable). I am looking forward to watching the baby so I can see just what he or she was doing while he or she was inside of me. My nephew, Noah is very excited about the baby. It keeps telling me that I am getting bigger and that I am about ready to pop the baby out of there. It's so cute. Well, I am hoping that this will be my last post until the baby is here. We will keep you update.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
We are still waiting to meet Baby Burling. No real changes in how I have been feeling. We spend a lot of time playing games and watching the Olympics. I'm a little too big to do much else. We are hoping that the baby will come soon. Hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Still Waiting
Well, back to the dr. yesterday for my 39 weeks appointment. Things are progressing a little bit. She said I could go at anytime, but that doesn't really mean anything at this point because I seem to hear that every appointment. Baby Burling is running out of room, so we are hoping that something will happen soon. The baby is in a good position and they don't think we should have any trouble delivering naturally. We have had three friends or family members have babies in the last week. (MY TURN!!) Congratulations to Kip and Tricia, Baby Collin is adorable. Congratulations to Brett and Jessica, Baby Laila is beautiful. Congratulations to Brandon's cousins Betty and Jason on the birth of Baby Jack. We are looking forward to meeting Baby Jack. He was born a little early but is doing very well. Now, we are totally ready to meet Baby Burling. The midwife thought we wouldn't have to wait real long. She said it is possible that the baby will come meet us this week because of my progression and because there is a full moon on Saturday. It would figure that the baby would come on the weekend because Grandma and Grandpa Burling are going out of town. Lily ( our dog ) and Sophie ( his parents' dog ) have acted a little strange around me so I am hoping they are sensing something is going to happen. ( they say dogs know when things are going to happen) We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I was hoping by now to have some exciting news, but it looks like we are waiting to see when Baby Burling wants to come and meet us. I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and my midwife thinks that my body is totally capable of having a big baby. I was honestly a little frustrated, but after I had some time to think about it I decided that it is probably better that I go into labor on my own. She did tell me that the baby is out of room and that is why I am a little uncomfortable. She thinks that the baby could be in the upper 9 lbs or possibly even 10 lbs. ( I am keeping my fingers crossed for 9lbs.) I have been having some prelabor symptoms, so I am hoping that baby will come visit soon. I have given Brandon directions on how to update this site, so when he has time he will deifinitely post the news and some pictures. He also has me email and facebook information to update those too. I hope we have some news for you soon.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Oh yeah
Brandon brought to my attention that I forgot to label one of the pictures that I added. The picture in the middle is a picture of Brandon and I with Stephanie and Chris having a picnic before we saw Taming of the Shrew at the Shakespeare Festival. ( I couldn't see the pictures as I was writing what they were. I apologize) We had a great time that night!
The last post from me for a while.
This will be my last post for a while. Brandon is going to keep it update from work after the baby comes. I thought maybe the last post would be my last but I like having something to do during the day. When I went to the Dr. last Tuesday, I was about the same dialation and 70% effaced. Things seem to be progressing. The only thing that really changed a lot was that when he measured me I measured riight at 40 weeks (which is a full term pregnancy). When I go back this week not only will the nurse midwife measure me but he will also measure me and then we will discuss whether or not they will induce my labor. He is a little concerned that the baby is really big. We knew the baby was going to be big but the baby has seemed to take a big size jump in the last week or so. I am okay with being induced because I am afraid if I waited until my due date the baby would be so big that I would need a C-Section and I would rather have the baby naturally. If I did have the baby naturally and it was really big we would run the risk of a broken bone for me and/or the baby. I know we are ready. I think Brandon (and our moms) about has a heart attack when he sees my number on the caller ID. I actually haven't felt that bad. The heat is no fun, but I still sleep more at night then I thought I would. I have totally loved being pregnant, but I am ready to meet Baby Burling.
I hope all is well with everyone and I know you should be hearing from Brandon or I by email or phone in the next two weeks. Feel free to give us a call and come visit after we are home. We will try to let everyone know if and when they are going to induce me. I think this might be my last weekend pregnant. We will talk to you soon.
I hope all is well with everyone and I know you should be hearing from Brandon or I by email or phone in the next two weeks. Feel free to give us a call and come visit after we are home. We will try to let everyone know if and when they are going to induce me. I think this might be my last weekend pregnant. We will talk to you soon.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Baby Burling Update
Well, this will probably be my last update for a while. Things are getting fairly busy and the baby is getting ready to come. We went to the Dr. yesterday and I am 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. The baby is laying in the right position and they are very happy with my progress. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions and have been having then awhile, but I have no pain with them. I can feel them by touching my belly. I was told that it was possible that I could go early. We have been doing last minute preparations for the baby's arrival. We hope all is well with everyone and we will keep you informed.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Updates on the Burling family
Okay, starting from the bottom and going up. The first three pictures are from Chad and Kim's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and we had a wonderful time. The next picture is me at 32 weeks. The baby measures about three weeks bigger. I feel like we both keep growing and growing. The last two picture are from our trip to Milwaukee. They are both from the Miller Brewery tour that we took. We had a great time and it was nice to get away one more time before the baby arrives. I have a little over four weeks left and we are really looking forward to meeting our baby. I will have Brandon make calls, send out emails and probably update this so that everyone knows when the baby is born. I don't know how much this will get updated before the baby is born, but I hope that this update finds everyone doing well. I will try to update after I go to the Dr. next week, but I make no promises.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Burlings
Hello Everyone! We hope everyone is doing well. We are great! We took a short vacation to Milwaukee with my (Kendra's) parents. Brandon and my dad went to a Brewer's game and mom and I went shopping. We all went shopping in Rockford and Milwaukee. Then, we went on a tour of the Miller Brewing Company. Brandon was in heaven. ( I will put up some pictures when I get a chance) On Friday, we had another sonogram. The baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead and in the pictures the baby has really chubby cheeks. They said the baby already weighs about 5 pounds. On Saturday, Brandon and I met Chris and Stephanie at the Lincoln Museum in Springfield and we went to Jacksonville for a cookout at Lish and Bryon's. We had a great day. I also had another visit with the Dr. and the baby's heart rate was 160. I don't think Baby Burling ever stops moving. We are getting very excited and can't wait to meet our child. We have had two baby showers and his mom's is this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. We hope you have a great weekend.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Finally some time to relax
Well, Civic Chorus is over and we are a little sad and a little happy all at the same time. We will miss everyone, but it is nice to finally have some time together and relax. This past weekend, we went to a beautiful wedding for our friends Chad and Kim. We are so happy for them. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing some friends we haven't seen in a while. This Wednesday, we are headed to Milwaukee with my parents. Brandon and my dad are going to a Brewer's game and mom and I are going shopping. We are looking forward to a small trip together before the baby comes.
Everything is going well with the pregnancy. The baby is growing and moving all the time. The heart rate has gotten a little slower but they said that that is totally normal. I am having a sonogram this Friday and I return to the Dr. on the 24th. We have had 2 showers. I had one at school and Brandon had a "Daddy shower" at work. Both showers were so much fun. In a couple of weeks we will have my mother in law's shower and after the baby is born, my family is throwing a shower. We have so much and I am very greatful for all of it.
We hope that everyone is doing well and I promise to update more often now that we are not so busy. I will add some pictures as soon as I get new batteries for our camera. We wish everyone well.
Everything is going well with the pregnancy. The baby is growing and moving all the time. The heart rate has gotten a little slower but they said that that is totally normal. I am having a sonogram this Friday and I return to the Dr. on the 24th. We have had 2 showers. I had one at school and Brandon had a "Daddy shower" at work. Both showers were so much fun. In a couple of weeks we will have my mother in law's shower and after the baby is born, my family is throwing a shower. We have so much and I am very greatful for all of it.
We hope that everyone is doing well and I promise to update more often now that we are not so busy. I will add some pictures as soon as I get new batteries for our camera. We wish everyone well.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Long Time
Yet again, I must apologize for not updating this as much as I should. I promise to get better about it once the Civic Chorus show is over. We will put some pictures from the show on and some more pictures of my growing belly. Everything is going very well, but we are not home very much. We spend all of our evenings at Pekin High School working on the Civic Chorus Show. I also spend my afternoons while Brandon is at work, working on stuff for the show and our party. Sorry to make this so short, but I need to run some errands and get going this morning. I promise to update sooner.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Crazy Days
Hello again everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I update our blog. We have been pretty busy. Between Civic Chorus and the regular May activites ( Mother's Day, the end of school, & family graduations) we have not had a quiet moment. Things have been going very well. Brandon keeps busy with Civic Chorus, making sets for Civic Chorus and work. I have been busy with Civic Chorus, Civic Chorus sets, getting our house ready for a Civic Chorus party and getting everything together for the upcoming birthdays, weddings and holidays. I am trying to be prepared for things early before I get to big to do them.
Baby Burling and I grow everyday. All of a sudden I have realized that it is harder to get up and down on the floor at school and that little kids chairs are not that comfortable when you are pregnant. The kids at school are totally into the pregnancy. They have a lot of questions and I have been writing them down so I can put them in the baby's scrapbook. One little girl asked me if the baby was in a stroller in my belly. I have come to realize that you should not try to explain things because they will continue asking questions. I celebrated my first (well kinda first) Mother's Day and my wonderful husband got me Peridot earrings because that will be the baby's birthstone. He wanted me to have something that I could wear in the hospital. Isn't he wonderful.
Other then being busy, everything is pretty much the same with us. We hope to talk or see everyone very soon. I will try to update this sooner then I have in the past.
Baby Burling and I grow everyday. All of a sudden I have realized that it is harder to get up and down on the floor at school and that little kids chairs are not that comfortable when you are pregnant. The kids at school are totally into the pregnancy. They have a lot of questions and I have been writing them down so I can put them in the baby's scrapbook. One little girl asked me if the baby was in a stroller in my belly. I have come to realize that you should not try to explain things because they will continue asking questions. I celebrated my first (well kinda first) Mother's Day and my wonderful husband got me Peridot earrings because that will be the baby's birthstone. He wanted me to have something that I could wear in the hospital. Isn't he wonderful.
Other then being busy, everything is pretty much the same with us. We hope to talk or see everyone very soon. I will try to update this sooner then I have in the past.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We love the warmer weather!
Again, we have had a busy week. We have had Leia (my brother's dog) and she has injured her front paw, so we have really been watching her and giving her her medicine. Everyone is finally healthy at our house. (thankfully) The baby and I are growing everyday and the baby is very active. I love to feel Baby Burling move. We are starting to be able to see kicks and rolls. It is amazing. Well, I wanted to update this but I need to keep it short because I am on my lunch break. We hope all is well with everyone.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Busy, Busy Days
This week was fun but a little crazy. On Monday, we went to the Dr. He changed my due date to August 15. It is only five days earlier, but I know that ultimately the baby will decide when he/she is going to come out and see us. The baby is doing very well and growing bigger and bigger. I love being pregnant. The baby is moving all the time and it is one of the most wonderful feeling you can have. Tuesday, Brandon taught at Eureka and I got stuff ready for a garage sale I am having in May. Lily had a bit of a scare. I let her outside and all of a sudden I heard this horrible noise. When I went outside I saw that a big black dog had Lily by the neck. I made a loud noise and scared the dog away. I got Lily inside and checked her and there was not a mark on her. We were very lucky. On Wednesday, Brandon had Civic Chorus and I went and helped with tickets. Thursday night, Brandon had a meeting and we had dinner at the shop with his parents. On Friday, Chad and Kim came over. We had dinner and played games. We had a great week.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I Love Spring
I love this warmer weather. Yesterday, Brandon and I finally got some work done outside and we both thought it was great to get out of the house after we both had been sick for so long. We put in rocks as landscaping around our tree, I cleaned out the car, and we swept the driveway and sidewalk. Lily had a great time outside too.
This week, we go to the Dr. on Monday. They will listen for the baby's heartbeat and do some measurements. I always enjoy hearing the baby's heartbeat. Last week, when I went to the Dr. for my Bronchitis, I got to hear it and it was a little faster this time. It was about 151 beats a minute. The last few times it was in the 140's.
Brandon is busy with Civic Chorus and enjoying every minute of it. The show starts June 3rd and runs through the 8th. Tickets are $13.00 if you would like to come please let us know and we will get tickets for you. It should be a great show of singing and dancing. I will be doing the men's makeup for the performances and helping backstage. If you are able to come to the show Brandon and I will definitely come out after the show and see you. ( I will probably be able to see you before the show too) Plus, Brandon had a solo and he is in 3 dance numbers. The show is at the Theatre at Pekin High School.
We hope everyone is doing well.
This week, we go to the Dr. on Monday. They will listen for the baby's heartbeat and do some measurements. I always enjoy hearing the baby's heartbeat. Last week, when I went to the Dr. for my Bronchitis, I got to hear it and it was a little faster this time. It was about 151 beats a minute. The last few times it was in the 140's.
Brandon is busy with Civic Chorus and enjoying every minute of it. The show starts June 3rd and runs through the 8th. Tickets are $13.00 if you would like to come please let us know and we will get tickets for you. It should be a great show of singing and dancing. I will be doing the men's makeup for the performances and helping backstage. If you are able to come to the show Brandon and I will definitely come out after the show and see you. ( I will probably be able to see you before the show too) Plus, Brandon had a solo and he is in 3 dance numbers. The show is at the Theatre at Pekin High School.
We hope everyone is doing well.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
In the first picture, I was 6 weeks pregnant and we had just found out that day. In the second picture, I was 8 weeks pregnant. In the third picture, I was 10 weeks pregnant. In the fourth picture, I was 14 weeks pregnant. In the fifth picture, I was 18 weeks pregnant and the picture was taken in the nursery. In the last picture, I was 20 weeks pregnant. ( that was yesterday)
Lazy Week
We have had a very boring week. We have both been sick. Brandon had food poisoning and I found out yesterday that I have bronchitis. We have been laying around the house since Monday. I think we are finally both on the mend and headed back to work tomorrow. The baby is fine. Baby Burling is kicking and moving all the time. I'm sure it is only going to get more and more as the months go on. That is about all that is new, but I as I promised I am posting pictures.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
And The Craziness Begins
Well, the end of March is a signal for some very busy weekends to come. Between now and the end of June we have a lot going on. Brandon starts working on the sets for Civic Chorus on Saturdays (of course I will be helping too). Sundays are Civic Chorus rehearsals. From April 18 through April 25, we are dog sitting for my brother's dog Leia. The Civic Chorus show starts on June 3 and runs through the June 10. On June 14th and 27th, we are going to be attending weddings. I feel like we are going to be on the go for the next 3 months, but that's okay because it will make the time go fast before the baby comes.
The baby seems to be growing everyday. Baby Burling reacts to our dog, Lily. Lily likes to lay against me on the bed and the baby kicks at her. I don't think that Lily will like to lay by me when she starts to be able to feel the baby kicking her.
I'm on my last couple of days of Spring Break. I don't know that I am ready to go back yet, but I just have to keep in mind that my classified substitiute job ends in about 7 weeks. I'm sure I will get calls after that, but the everyday pay stops on the 16th of May. I will miss the kids, but I am also very excited about staying home with our little bundle of joy next year. We hope everyone is doing well and that you had a great Easter.
The baby seems to be growing everyday. Baby Burling reacts to our dog, Lily. Lily likes to lay against me on the bed and the baby kicks at her. I don't think that Lily will like to lay by me when she starts to be able to feel the baby kicking her.
I'm on my last couple of days of Spring Break. I don't know that I am ready to go back yet, but I just have to keep in mind that my classified substitiute job ends in about 7 weeks. I'm sure I will get calls after that, but the everyday pay stops on the 16th of May. I will miss the kids, but I am also very excited about staying home with our little bundle of joy next year. We hope everyone is doing well and that you had a great Easter.
Friday, March 21, 2008
All the Fun of Shopping for a Baby
I feel bad that it has been so long since I have updated the site. The first weekend in March, I painted the nursery. We have a farm theme and we have been able to find a lot of cute stuff. The following weekend, we went crib and changing table shopping and we also registered for the baby. (I know it seems early, but with Brandon being in Civic Chorus things are going to get very crazy) It was so fun to register for the baby. I think Brandon was a little confused on all of the things we registered for but I told him what we would use everything for. The baby is getting bigger everyday and I am starting to feel some movement. It is an incredible feeling to feel your child move for the first time. According to my baby website the baby is the size of a mango right now.
On Saturday, we are having Easter with my family at my grandma's house. We hide eggs in my grandma's yard for my nephew and my cousins. (My grandma lives on a farm, so she has a very big yard) Brandon is no longer allowed to hide the eggs without being with me because two years ago he hid them too hard and some were not found until my grandma mowed over them in the summer. On Sunday, we will go to Brandon's grandma's and have dinner with his family. We have been very lucky that our families celebrate holidays on different days or at least at different times in the day.
I am so happy to have next week off. It will give me time to spend with Noah and time to do some much needed things around the house. Plus, the students (and teachers) needed a break. I just wish break was going to be warm because I would love to spend some time outside or at least open the windows in the house.
Brandon and I hope everyone has a good Easter.
On Saturday, we are having Easter with my family at my grandma's house. We hide eggs in my grandma's yard for my nephew and my cousins. (My grandma lives on a farm, so she has a very big yard) Brandon is no longer allowed to hide the eggs without being with me because two years ago he hid them too hard and some were not found until my grandma mowed over them in the summer. On Sunday, we will go to Brandon's grandma's and have dinner with his family. We have been very lucky that our families celebrate holidays on different days or at least at different times in the day.
I am so happy to have next week off. It will give me time to spend with Noah and time to do some much needed things around the house. Plus, the students (and teachers) needed a break. I just wish break was going to be warm because I would love to spend some time outside or at least open the windows in the house.
Brandon and I hope everyone has a good Easter.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Seeing the baby for the first time
We had our sonogram yesterday. It was so great to see our little bundle of joy. (especially on our 2nd Anniversary) While the sono tech was taking measurements the baby was moving constantly and at one point the baby's hand moved across the screen and it looked like the baby was waving at me. We got some pictures and some were in what they called 4D. The last picture they took the baby was sucking it's thumb. We are so excited after seeing the baby. The sono tech is the only one who knows the gender of the baby and she said that the secret is safe with her. I am going to try to post some pictures within the next week. We hope everything is well with everyone.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Long Weekend
I LOVE LONG WEEKENDS!!!! Parent Teacher Conferences at District #108 and substitutes do not have to be there. I went shopping yesterday on my day off and spent the Christmas money I had been saving on Maternity clothes. I had a great time with my mom trying on clothes and picking stuff out. I am so excited I found a dress for the event we are going to at ISU this weekend. I was afraid that I would have a hard time finding something that was nice and appropriate for the event.
Brandon was invited to attend a fundraiser event for the Fine Arts Department at ISU. We are going to a post card art event. I am not exactly sure what this is all about, but I am looking forward to meeting more people that Brandon works with. I am assuming that the art will be expensive, so we will probably not be purchasing anything. It will be fun to have a night out together though.
Not much else has been happening around here. We are ready for more Spring-like weather. We are very tired of the snow and messy sidewalks and parking lots. Brandon is counting down the days until baseball season starts again. We hope everyone is well and we look forward to talking to all of you soon.
Brandon was invited to attend a fundraiser event for the Fine Arts Department at ISU. We are going to a post card art event. I am not exactly sure what this is all about, but I am looking forward to meeting more people that Brandon works with. I am assuming that the art will be expensive, so we will probably not be purchasing anything. It will be fun to have a night out together though.
Not much else has been happening around here. We are ready for more Spring-like weather. We are very tired of the snow and messy sidewalks and parking lots. Brandon is counting down the days until baseball season starts again. We hope everyone is well and we look forward to talking to all of you soon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Burling's
On Valentine's Day, we went back to the Dr. The baby's heart beat was 174 beats a minute. It is so cool everytime we get to hear it. I went back today to get some medicine for this flu thing that is going around (it sucks) and the baby's heart beat was 156 beats a minute. My mom got to hear the heart beat this time and she teared up. My belly is growing rather quickly now. Every week we notice a little difference.
Brandon is just starting the first night of the play at Eureka. He is not actually on stage but he reads for a seat somewhere near that audience. After the play is over he will probably start working on sets for the Civic Chorus. I think both of us will be glad when the play is over, so we have a little more time together.
As for me, I am trying to knock this horrible flu. I have been getting things ready for the baby. I am hoping to get a warm weekend soon, so I can start painting that nursery.
Brandon is just starting the first night of the play at Eureka. He is not actually on stage but he reads for a seat somewhere near that audience. After the play is over he will probably start working on sets for the Civic Chorus. I think both of us will be glad when the play is over, so we have a little more time together.
As for me, I am trying to knock this horrible flu. I have been getting things ready for the baby. I am hoping to get a warm weekend soon, so I can start painting that nursery.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Our First Message
Hello Everyone! Brandon and I have been talking about starting a blog and now that we have good friends all the way in Australia, I thought this was a good time to start one out.
Brandon is doing well at work. Not only is he working full time at ISU, he also teaches a class at Eureka. Right now he is helping out with a play at Eureka. He has also been busy with the Pekin Civic Chorus. He is not only singing in the chorus, but he is also helping with the sets this year.
I am still subbing in Pekin and I love it. I'm keeping rather busy subbing and getting ready for our little bundle of joy. The baby is growing everyday and any day now I could feel some movement. We have heard the heart beat and it was about 180 beats a minute. We go back in two days (Valentine's Day) to hear the heart beat again. In about two weeks, we will get to see our baby for the first time. I'm so excited.
Everything in our lives is wonderful. We feel very lucky to have a new little one joining our family and can't wait to meet Baby Burling. I will try my best to keep this updated with changing pictures and stories. We would love to hear from all of our friends.
Brandon is doing well at work. Not only is he working full time at ISU, he also teaches a class at Eureka. Right now he is helping out with a play at Eureka. He has also been busy with the Pekin Civic Chorus. He is not only singing in the chorus, but he is also helping with the sets this year.
I am still subbing in Pekin and I love it. I'm keeping rather busy subbing and getting ready for our little bundle of joy. The baby is growing everyday and any day now I could feel some movement. We have heard the heart beat and it was about 180 beats a minute. We go back in two days (Valentine's Day) to hear the heart beat again. In about two weeks, we will get to see our baby for the first time. I'm so excited.
Everything in our lives is wonderful. We feel very lucky to have a new little one joining our family and can't wait to meet Baby Burling. I will try my best to keep this updated with changing pictures and stories. We would love to hear from all of our friends.
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