Friday, August 1, 2008

The last post from me for a while.

This will be my last post for a while. Brandon is going to keep it update from work after the baby comes. I thought maybe the last post would be my last but I like having something to do during the day. When I went to the Dr. last Tuesday, I was about the same dialation and 70% effaced. Things seem to be progressing. The only thing that really changed a lot was that when he measured me I measured riight at 40 weeks (which is a full term pregnancy). When I go back this week not only will the nurse midwife measure me but he will also measure me and then we will discuss whether or not they will induce my labor. He is a little concerned that the baby is really big. We knew the baby was going to be big but the baby has seemed to take a big size jump in the last week or so. I am okay with being induced because I am afraid if I waited until my due date the baby would be so big that I would need a C-Section and I would rather have the baby naturally. If I did have the baby naturally and it was really big we would run the risk of a broken bone for me and/or the baby. I know we are ready. I think Brandon (and our moms) about has a heart attack when he sees my number on the caller ID. I actually haven't felt that bad. The heat is no fun, but I still sleep more at night then I thought I would. I have totally loved being pregnant, but I am ready to meet Baby Burling.

I hope all is well with everyone and I know you should be hearing from Brandon or I by email or phone in the next two weeks. Feel free to give us a call and come visit after we are home. We will try to let everyone know if and when they are going to induce me. I think this might be my last weekend pregnant. We will talk to you soon.

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